Wednesday, February 25, 2009

sedar please

to admit that you are the palingbodohpunyaorang is so damn idiot

to think that there are still sisa2 of the love that you'd shared together for 2 years is so damn stupid

to know that you have to believe your eyes rather than your heart is so fucking hurt

and to know that you are nothing to someone..bukan pic kaw yg dicari tgh2 mlm..bukan kaw lg yg dtgur kalaw mknan x abis sbb takut mmbazir..bukan kaw orgnya yg d'syg sgt2'..bukan kaw orgnya utk bla3~idk pa aku tulis skarg..


thank you God for showing me at least one good reason why i should move on with my life and do not grief over the past.
its just one stupid stage in my life
a mistake that i've made just to make sure that forever is exist
sampai terlupa semuanya di tangan Tuhan

Khairunnisa Rahmat..
*sigh* are just one of my collection
let karma do the job
what goes around comes around

and to you..bitch
aku pernah tarik balik bila aku cakap aku doakan kau rasa apa aku rasa satu hari nanti
but now..
aku harap satu hari nanti
kau rasa apa aku rasa
malah lebih teruk lagi
baru kau tahu apa rasanya menderita macam aku
terpaksa jadi orang lain
terpaksa senyum masa hati aku menangis
jahat kan aku?
yup.i am.
its ok.i know im not perfect
i know you are way better than me
but you don't have the right to do that to me
kau tak ada hak langsung!
aku tak pernah kacau kau
kenapa kau kacau hidup aku?
untuk tulis pasal kau dalam blog aku pun da cukup menjijikkan,mencemarkan aku
but then thanks to both of you
for making me realize that

nothing is forever
and everything can change easily

sorry guys
im just so damn miserable
rasa nak luahkan dgn org2
tp cukuplah kat sini ja

Here it comes again…
I can only escape it for a while.
How am I to go on without him here beside me?
Pain, pain…Go away. Come again another day.
When I am feeling stronger

Here it comes again…
The searing in my heart and soul.
How can I face another day when I don’t know where he is?
Pain, pain…go away. Come again another day
When I have grown wiser.

Here it comes again…
The sun is rising on its own.
How can this be when my world has crumbled all around me?
Pain, pain…go away. Come again another day.
When I can feel warmer.

Here it comes again…
I feel the raindrops on my head.
Hear all the sounds of life, though my own is silent without him.
Pain, pain…Go away. Come again another day.
When I am less faltering.

Here it comes again…
But wait! What’s this?
Somehow the years have flown and I don’t know how this happened?
Pain, pain…Go away. Come again another day.
When I am more courageous.

Yes. Here it comes again…
But this time, not so bad.
Have I found relief, when I thought none was possible?
Pain, pain…Go away. Come again another day
When I have become older.

Yes. Come again when I am older
When time has made me feel it less.
When the sun warms me again and I can see all the way to heaven.
Pain, pain. Go away. Come again another day.
When I am no longer hindered.

Come again when my time is through.
And I can see for myself
God’s home and his angels shining brightly to welcome me there.
Pain, pain. Go away. Come again another day…

but the paling bodoh part is

how am i going to forget everything?????


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